I've been absent for a couple, but it's the Birthday bash so I'm there with bells on and lots of bargains/seconds in the $15, $20 and $30 price range. Be there or be square......
Today I eagerly awaited the Viva magazine (NZ Herald) for the plate feature put together by design writer Zoe Walker and photographer Babiche Martens and wasn't disappointed .......thanks Viva!
I have to say Taxidermy and fashion go together as well as dirty words on old china and after Melissa Dixson introduced herself and her greatblog to me I have a new passion for dead animal things.....
I've always made stuff and wanted to be an artist from the age of 14.I made my way to Art School in the late 80s and graduated with a BFA, majoring in Sculpture. After a short exhibiting career,I quickly discovered being a full time artist doesn't pay the bills, so went the commercial route.
I've worked in graphic design, audio visual and freelance set design as well as garden design and maintenance.In the mid 90s
my boyfriend and I got married at City Hall in Manhattan New York. We eloped actually as no-one knew until we were back home.I have two children, a boy Jasper and a girl Madison,named after Madison Avenue.