2009 has been a new start for me as far as separating work from home.
Last year I could not see the carpet for the china in my bedroom, now I'm going off to a studio space every week day, organized with oven for baking, plenty of shelving and a separate table for painting- ahh the luxury!
Some things I will miss of course- fixing myself food whenever I feel like it, having the house to myself and visiting local shops and fellow crafting friends who live nearby. Also the environs are somewhat different- modern house with a sea view in a friendly hood versus industrial building, formerly a cosmetics factory, with bars on the windows and no outlook.
The food choices aren't spectacular come lunchtime- except for sushi man on tuesdays BUT there is my hubby- works in another part of the vast building- and a great gal Margaret, also known as Miss America-a former US citizen- who has lovingly purchased a fuckface teacup for hubby, a moody bitch teacup for herself, and bitch face plate to hang with the horny one she has at home....
I'm also eyeing up the vast empty walls around the building as potential Trixie gallery space, esp the grubby common room kitchen space on the lower floor, which would be the perfect location for a shithole, dump or ghetto plate assemblage with an arse and crap thrown in for good measure!
Can't complain though, the space is more than adequate and reasonably priced- people around me are friendly and funny and occasionally buy or order something and the pressure of defined work hours makes me more productive, at least that's the plan.
The big bonus of course is Nige and I have our bedroom back and work-free weekends, except for the fleamarket shopping which nearly always includes plate purchases. We also get to lunch together which is sweet....your office or mine honey?
this is awesome..terribly, terribly jealous. :)